53 weeks
It can last from 3-5 weeks. The baby begins to distinguish between known and unknown people, increases his interest in exploring the world, develops his gait and coordination, acquires fine motor skills, develops his ability to speak and begins to lay the foundations of personality. At this stage ️the baby can change his mood frequently, his immunity decreases and his sleep worsens, he gets upset easily, small tantrums appear, the desire to be independent appears. There is also negativity, stubbornness, egocentrism and aggression, especially in response to bans. We can help him by offering him when possible the chance to choose between 2 options, we respect the schedule and try not to make big changes during this period, we limit visits, and if new people appear we do not force the child to go to them and we do not I was mad at him for not wanting to kiss anyone. We encourage independence - we even praise for trying to do something, take something to the trash or help wipe the dust. We listen to him when he tells us no and maintain physical and emotional contact with him. We try to limit the bans, to make it easier we ask ourselves: what will happen if? If it's not vital, we let him do it. Moms, keep calm, Dads, help moms as much as possible. XOXO Bebe P. & Mami R.