What books do I have, what are my favorites and what would mom want me to buy

This article covers almost all the books I have so far (2 years and 1 month). At the end I talked to my mother and she will leave a list of what she would like to buy for me until the age of 3. I have 3 more articles with what books I had and I liked them until 8 months, 1 year, 1 year and 8 months.
The list is made by Publishers and by colors, let's start: The legend: sour cherry = widely used brown = used beige = rare green = received in the last month
1. Litera Mică Publishing House
The alphabet
My first picture library. (8 books)
Good night, moon
Good morning sunshine
Good manners
Disney Collection - Animals / Colors / Shapes / Seasons
Discover the world - On the farm / In the forest / Animals / The human body
The first animals
The first words
The first 1000 words in English
Farm animals - puzzle book
2. Panda Publishing
I love you day and night
I will never let you go
You make me happy
I will always love you
Everything is easier with a kiss
Stuck up
We're here
How to catch a star
I have always loved you
Little Owl's egg
3. Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House (Junior)
Colors - book with flap
Shapes - book with flap
The great book of nature
The great book of big truck
The great book of dinosaurs
The big book of numbers
Count to 100
Cute ghost
Too big or too small for a hug?
A sunny day
In the depths of the sea
I love you mommy
You make me happy
Who are the dinosaurs?
Who lives in the jungle?
4. Gama Publishing House
Beaver paints
Beaver is repairing the bike
Beaver makes a cake
Beaver is a carpenter
Beaver is a gardener
Beaver is a tailor
Breb fixes everything

5. Nemi Publishing House
Learn to win
Learn to save
Learn to spend

6. DPH Publishing House
Mom, will you still love me if ...?
Mom, I want this!
Daddy, I want to play!
Bruno wants the potty
Bruno wants the boy
7. Lidl
My vehicles
Sleep easy dear animals
At the farm - book with sounds
My vehicles - sound book
At night he lies down on the farm - a book with a flashlight
Who are you looking for, teddy bear? - flashlight book
The Secret Magic of Christmas - Flashlight Book
8. Girasol Publishing House
Vulpisor's first summer

9. Univers Publishing House
You are our treasure

10. Usborne
First sticker book - Airport

11. Jumbo
What I ordered for Christmas and what I have on the list for the next period
This is the order for Santa Claus
Hoinari Collection through the seasons - Casa Publishing House
Santa's Christmas Journey with Wind-up Sleigh - Usborne
Wind-up Train - Usborne
Garden Sounds - Usborne
Christmas (Usborne) - Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House
Christmas in the forest - Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House
In the footsteps of the Christmas Star - Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House
The colors of the rainbow (Quarto) - Univers Enciclopedic Publishing House
Good manners for children in 365 days. With games and practical activities for your hild's education - Corint Logistic Publishing House
Montessori activity book. The human body - Litera Publishing House
Montessori routines. For boys. Educational wall books and cardboards - Gama Publishing House
Blade blade, what a mess! - Nemi Publishing House
Lama Lama for Christmas - Nemi Publishing House
Lama Lama and grandparents - Nemi Publishing House
Animals everywhere. Book with sounds - Litera Publishing House
Smart answer

What else do I want to order in the future
The entire Lama Lama collection
Dar Motan Collection
From the Disney - Numbers collection
The Why Why Why ... collection?
Questions and answers collection about ...
What is the Moon?
I'm not (very) afraid of the dark (Usborne)
Bebe P.