The other day I turned 7 months old.
During these months I learned many important things! I learned to make sounds, to squeak, to laugh ... I really like to discover new sounds and frequencies, moms and dads encourage me to "talk" as much as possible and they talk a lot with me, sometimes I make a little fun from them, they make crazy sounds and they struggle to decipher what I would have meant. :)) I also learned to sit on my ass alone, I discovered the world from a different perspective, it makes me feel like a big boy when I sit on a chair in the kitchen with my dad or on the couch in the living room with my mom and we talk or play. I like that I can control my hands, use them and be able to caress mommy, pull my dad's beard and grab all the toys I want. Aaa ... I also discovered my legs, what strange things they are, when I sit on my ass or on my back I can do what I want with them, but when I want to sit in them and walk they don't want to listen to me. I'm still learning to use them, I'm slowly forcing them to listen to me and do as I want. I learn to ride my bike with the help of my family, I cling to the crib, the couch, my mom's hands and I manage to stand up. Mommy puts me outside to stand and walk ... I love to see everything as I walk! I also learned to eat from plates and bowls with a teaspoon, I ate a lot of vegetables and fruits that I liked ... and of course there is a lot to eat. You can't imagine how much I like the food my people make for me, I keep eating, you say the plate is freshly washed after I'm done. :) I am sure that from now on I will learn and discover many more delicious things, toys and food. Happy birthday to me! (^. ^)